Evil Ed (1995) is a Swedish film directed by Anders Jacobsson (member of the Swedish goth band Draconian) and starring Johan Rudebeck, Per Löfberg (who heralds from the same town as Stig Larsson) and Olof Rhodin.
Before watching Evil Ed you need to sufficiently prepare yourself.
The first thing you’ll need is a red light bulb. Preferably stolen. Or as cheap as you can find.
Not one of those fancy expensive LED lights that come in a pleasing pinkish hue.
That will not make you sufficiently angry. You’ll want blood red.
And harsh.
So harsh it urges you to kill.
After you’ve visually properly prepared your corneas for your viewing experience I would also recommend listening to Korn’s entire discography.
Now, you’ve sufficiently primed the pump.
Evil Ed (1995) Plot
The plot is essentially the violent fever dream an unemployed carnival clown in the throes of a bufotenine trip.
If I haven’t already sold you on Evil Ed then I don’t know what to tell you.
Interests include:: coffee, jackhammers, grandma’s medicine cabinet and sympathetic yawning.