Black Scorpion is a 1995 comedy action movie produced by Roger Corman, starring Joan Severance and Bruce Abbott. The movie was followed in 1997 by a sequel called Black Scorpion II: Aftershock.
Black Scorpion (1995) Plot
The film draws inspiration from Batman, in that the superhero Black Scorpion is a vigilante with no actual superpowers.
Darcy Walker (played by Joan Severance) is a police detective with an alter ego called Black Scorpion, who fights crime at night. In addition to impressive martial arts skills, she is also equipped with a range of technological inventions and a special car.
Her detective partner, Michael Russo (played by Bruce Abbott) is unaware of her secret identity. The only person who knows who she is at night is a car thief-turned-tech nerd named Argyle (played by Garrett Morris).
Interests include:: coffee, jackhammers, grandma’s medicine cabinet and sympathetic yawning.